animated gif
// :CATEGORY:Special Effects
// :NAME:Automatic_GIF_to_SL_script
// :AUTHOR:Ferd Frederix
// :CREATED:2011-06-21 20:30:18.273
// :EDITED:2014-02-07 19:09:12
// :ID:67
// :NUM:94
// :REV:1.0
// :WORLD:Second Life
// DESCRIPTION: Automatic_GIF_to_SL_script
// :CODE:
// Put any texture converted by  gif_2_SL_animation_v0.6.exe into a prim 
// with this script to get it to play back  automatically as a movie
integer animOn = TRUE; //Set to FALSE and call  initAnim() again to stop the animation.
//Effect parameters: (can be put in list  together, to make animation have all of said effects)
//LOOP - loops the animation
//SMOOTH - plays animation smoothly
//REVERSE - plays animation in reverse
//PING_PONG - plays animation in one direction,  then cycles in the opposite direction
list effects = [LOOP];  // LOOP for GIF89 movies
//Movement parameters (choose one):
//ROTATE - Rotates the texture
//SCALE - Scales the texture
//Set movement to 0 to slide animation in the X  direction, without any special movement.
integer movement = 0;
  integer face = ALL_SIDES; //Number representing  the side to activate the animation on.
  integer sideX = 1; //Represents how many  horizontal images (frames) are contained in your texture.
  integer sideY = 1; //Same as sideX, except represents  vertical images (frames).
  float start = 0.0; //Frame to start animation  on. (0 to start at the first frame of the texture)
  float length = 0.0; //Number of frames to  animate, set to 0 to animate all frames.
  float speed = 10.0; //Frames per second to  play.
  initAnim() //Call this when you want to change  something in the texture animation.
         integer effectBits;
  integer i;
  for(i = 0; i < llGetListLength(effects); i++)
  effectBits = (effectBits | llList2Integer(effects,i));
  integer params = (effectBits|movement);
  llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON|params,face,sideX,sideY,     start,length,speed);
         llSetTextureAnim(0,face,sideX,sideY, start,length,speed);
      string texture = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,0);
             list data  =  llParseString2List(texture,[";"],[]);
             llOwnerSay( llDumpList2String(data ,","));
             string X = llList2String(data,1);
             string Y = llList2String(data,2);
             string Z = llList2String(data,3);
             // llOwnerSay("X=" + X + " Y=" + Y + " Z =  " + (string) Z);
  sideX = (integer) X;
             sideY = (integer) Y;
             speed = (float) Z;
             if (speed) 
     changed(integer what)
         if (what & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
collision_start(integer total_number) {
llSetColor(<1.0, 0, 0>,ALL_SIDES); // change color!
//llSetColor(<0, 1.0, 0.0>, face); // change the face's color
llSetText("Vai avanti, questa è la strada giusta per entrare al museo.", <0,0,1.0>, 1.0); // set text }
collision_end(integer total_number) {
llSetColor(<0, 1.0, 0>,ALL_SIDES); // change color!
llSetText("", <1.0,1.0,0>, 1.0); // reset text
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
 state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 5, PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
 llSetText("Quando l'allievo supera il maestro!", <1.0,1.0,0>, 1.0);
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
 state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, , PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
 llSetText("Pietro Perugino, pittore insigne. Se era stata smarrita l'arte della pittura, egli la ritrovò. Se non era stata ancora inventata, egli la portò fino a questo punto.", <0,0,0>, 1.0);
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
 touch_start(integer total_number) {
  // speak out loud!
  // Il canale 0 è il PUBLIC_CHANNEL. Tutti possano sentire le chat trasmesse su questo canale.
  llSay(0,"Pietro pintor perugino pinse pintura per poco prezzo");
Cambia  un colore x collisione
     collision_start(integer total_number) {
         llSetColor(<1.0, 0, 0>,ALL_SIDES);   // change color!
         //llSetColor(<0, 1.0, 0.0>, face); // change the face's color
        llSetText("Vai  avanti, questa è la strada giusta per entrare al museo.", <0,0,1.0>,  1.0); // set text    
     collision_end(integer total_number) {
         llSetColor(<0, 1.0, 0>,ALL_SIDES); // change color!
        llSetText("",  <1.0,1.0,0>, 1.0);   // reset text
Cambia  un colore
 state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 0.5, PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
  // change color!
  llSetColor(<1.0, 0, 0>,ALL_SIDES);
Cambia  un colore
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
list recent_avatars;
add_avatar(string name) {
  if(!seen(name)) {
  recent_avatars += name;
  if (llGetListLength(recent_avatars) > 25) {
  recent_avatars = llDeleteSubList(recent_avatars,0,0);
  integer seen(string name) {
  if(llListFindList(recent_avatars,[name]) > -1) { return TRUE; }
  return FALSE;
state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 1, PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
  if(!seen(llDetectedName(0))) {
  // change color!
cambia un colore in una faccia
integer face = -1;
vector color = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;

 touch_start(integer num)
 if(~face)//quick & dirty but efficient way of testing if face is not equal to -1
 llSetColor(color, face); //restore the color
 face = (face + 1) % llGetNumberOfSides(); //increment and keep the face number in range
 color = llGetColor(face); //save the face's color
 llSetColor(<0.5, 0.0, 0.0>, face );  //change the face's color
Color Changer 
//  Color Changer Plus v1.0
//  by Neo Calcutt
//  distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
//  please leave the script full permissions and keep this header intact
integer listenChannel = 5; //  you might want to change this
  llListen(listenChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
  listen(integer channel, string name,  key id, string message)
  //  uncomment the next line to only listen to the owner
  //  if (id != llGetOwner()) return;
  //  uncomment the next line to only listen to the owner and other objects by the owner
  //  if (llGetOwnerKey(id) != llGetOwner()) return;
  //  this would be black
  vector color = ZERO_VECTOR;
  if (message == "navy")  color = <0.000, 0.122, 0.247>;
  else if (message == "blue")    color = <0.000, 0.455, 0.851>;
  else if (message == "aqua")    color = <0.498, 0.859, 1.000>;
  else if (message == "teal")    color = <0.224, 0.800, 0.800>;
  else if (message == "olive")   color = <0.239, 0.600, 0.439>;
  else if (message == "green")   color = <0.180, 0.800, 0.251>;
  else if (message == "lime")    color = <0.004, 1.000, 0.439>;
  else if (message == "yellow")  color = <1.000, 0.863, 0.000>;
  else if (message == "orange")  color = <1.000, 0.522, 0.106>;
  else if (message == "red")     color = <1.000, 0.255, 0.212>;
  else if (message == "maroon")  color = <0.522, 0.078, 0.294>;
  else if (message == "fuchsia") color = <0.941, 0.071, 0.745>;
  else if (message == "purple")  color = <0.694, 0.051, 0.788>;
  else if (message == "white")   color = <1.000, 1.000, 1.000>;
  else if (message == "silver")  color = <0.867, 0.867, 0.867>;
  else if (message == "gray")    color = <0.667, 0.667, 0.667>;
  else if (message == "random")
  float r = llFrand(1.0);
  float g = llFrand(1.0);
  float b = llFrand(1.0);
  color = <r, g, b>;
  else if (llSubStringIndex(message, "<") == 0)
  color = (vector)message;
  llSetColor(color, ALL_SIDES);
cambia colore
// Cycle color each second for every 15 degress around the color wheel
// @author: JB Kraft
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Jan 28, 2007 - v0.1 orig example code
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

// 24 color values, one for each 15 degrees around the color wheel
list realcolors = [
<1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.200000, 0.000000>, 
<1.000000, 0.400000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.501961, 0.000000>, 
<1.000000, 0.600000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.698039, 0.000000>, 
<1.000000, 0.800000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.898039, 0.000000>, 
<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <0.800000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, 
<0.200000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <0.000000, 0.800000, 0.000000>, 
<0.000000, 0.698039, 0.400000>, <0.000000, 0.600000, 0.600000>, 
<0.000000, 0.400000, 0.698039>, <0.000000, 0.200000, 0.800000>, 
<0.098039, 0.098039, 0.698039>, <0.200000, 0.000000, 0.600000>, 
<0.250980, 0.000000, 0.600000>, <0.400000, 0.000000, 0.600000>, 
<0.600000, 0.000000, 0.600000>, <0.800000, 0.000000, 0.600000>, 
<0.898039, 0.000000, 0.400000>];

// keep time
integer g_TIMER = 0;
// the offset into the color array
integer g_NDX = 0;

 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // D E F A U L T
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 touch_start(integer total_number)
 // turn the timer on/off 
 g_TIMER = !g_TIMER;
 // cheeky use of flag as timer value
 llSetTimerEvent( g_TIMER );
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
 timer( )
 if( g_NDX > llGetListLength( realcolors ) - 1) {
 g_NDX = 0;
 llSetColor( llList2Vector( realcolors, g_NDX), ALL_SIDES );
cambio texture
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: You will need to copy both this script and a texture into your object
 touch_start(integer total_number) {
 // set the texture
random color ogni 30''
//    OK, so randBetween is from the llFrand page
//    we can use it to generate a random number from  minimum to maximum.
//    You will see how it works in the example below
//    and yes, I flip around with color and colour - in my comments its colour, in code, I concede to LL
float randBetween(float min, float max)
  return llFrand(max - min) + min;
  //  Colours are expressed in vectors. 
  //   So, below gives us a basic random colour generator
vector randColor()
  return <llFrand(1.0), llFrand(1.0), llFrand(1.0)>;    //sends back a message to whoever asks the random colour
//  Taking it one step further
//   So, below gives us a basic random colour generator
vector randVector()
  //HERE we use the randBetween we have up on top to 
  //make a random number from 100 to 500 - on the Z axis. Fun for a trampoline :) 
  return <0,0,randBetween(100, 500)>; 
  state_entry() {
  vector tempRandomColor = randColor();  //this loads temp ariable with random colur
  // llSay(0, (string)tempRandomColor );    //this says the vector, just to know its working
  llSetColor(tempRandomColor, ALL_SIDES); //set colour 
  // llPushObject( llDetectedKey(0), randVector(), ZERO_VECTOR, 0); // here we push the person who touched cube, 
Messaggio sensor
// This script was auto-generated by Ann  Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
     state_entry() {
         llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 5, PI, 5);
    sensor(integer total_number) {
        llSetText("Ricicla qui le tue  lattine...", <1.0,0,0>, 1.0);
        //llWhisper(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Ora  non c'è nessuno vicino a me!");        
        llSetText("",  <1.0,1.0,0>, 1.0);   // reset text
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: After you copy this script into your creation, you will also need to copy the item to give into the object
 touch_start(integer total_number) {
  // This line will pick out the first thing of the right type and give it to whomever triggered the event
  llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0));
key target = "66b758c0-b18d-49cf-b655-996e5e9bea9a"; //

float radius=.35; // NOT FOR DROP FIRING OFFSET to OBJECT CENTER // punto di sparo, offset rispetto al centro
float bangle=PI/4-0.01; // BEGIN/END ANGLE // angolo di inizio *ONLY* for ANGLE_CONE
float eangle=PI/4;

integer flags = 0
| PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK // particles are luminous // particelle luminose
| PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK // change color // cambiano colore
| PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK // change scale // cambiano dimensioni
// | PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK // follow random wind in the sim // seguono il vento casuale
// | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK // bounce over the z axis // rimbalzano sull'asse z dell'oggetto
// | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK // target an avatar or object...verso un target
// | PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK // target LINEAR va direttamente al target

string texture = ""; // TEXTURE UUID ""=empty
float age=0; // AGE in secs of the system 0 forever // età del sistema 0=per sempre
float bdelay=0.1; // DENSITY: frequency of burst .0=max density // DENSITA', frequenza di generazione 0=massima densità
integer partcount=500; // NUM Particles to generate // numero particelle da generare ad ogni lancio
float partage=3; // AGE of single particle // ETA di ogni particella

float maxspeed=2; // FIRING SPEED 0:will stay stationary | velocità di sparo 0 rimane ferma
float minspeed=1;

// ACCELERATION = gravity | acceleratione = gravità
vector push=<0,0,-1>;
// starting color WHITE | colore di partenza BIANCO
vector scolor=<1,1,1>;
// colore di arrivo BLU // ending color BLUE
vector ecolor=<0,0,1>;

// TRASPARENZA 1=opaco, 0= trasparente
float salpha=1;
float ealpha=1;

// STARTING/END SCALE // dimensioni iniziali/finali
vector startSize=<0.04,0.04,0>;
vector endSize=<0.4,0.4,0>;

// OMEGA rotation // rotazione
vector omega=<0,0,0.5>;


llParticleSystem([ PSYS_PART_FLAGS,flags,

prendi un oggetto
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: After you copy this script into your creation, you will also need to copy the item to give into the object
 touch_start(integer total_number) {
  // This line will pick out the first thing of the right type and give it to whomever triggered the event
prendi da bere
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: After you copy this script into your creation, you will also need to copy the item to give into the object
 touch_start(integer total_number) {
 // This line will pick out the first thing of the right type and give it to whomever triggered the event
offri da bere
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: After you copy this script into your creation, you will also need to copy the item to give into the object
list recent_avatars;
add_avatar(string name) {
  if(!seen(name)) {
  recent_avatars += name;
  if (llGetListLength(recent_avatars) > 25) {
  recent_avatars = llDeleteSubList(recent_avatars,0,0);
  integer seen(string name) {
  if(llListFindList(recent_avatars,[name]) > -1) { return TRUE; }
  return FALSE;
 state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 1, PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
  if(!seen(llDetectedName(0))) {
  // This line will pick out the first thing of the right type and give it to whomever triggered the event
play sound
// This script was auto-generated by Ann Enigma's script autogenerator
// available at
// Note: You will need to copy both this script and a sound into your object
 state_entry() {
  llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 5, PI, 5);
  sensor(integer total_number) {
salta (palla)
// The code below was generated by
// alpha release October 19, 2007
// by Eric Rosenbaum (
// MIT Media Lab 
// Lifelong Kindergarten group
// S4SL is a modified version of Scratch, 
// a graphical programming language for kids
// see
float i_uservar = 0;
float j_uservar = 0;
float max_uservar = 0;
vector home;
integer penState;
float penColor;
float color;
float ghost;
vector originalScale;
float sizePercent;
integer numAvatarsNearby;
         vector nearestAvPosition;
         key ownerKey;
         vector ownerPosition;
// move(steps)
// move object a number of steps (meters) along its current heading
// forward is along the positive x axis
// if the pen is down, create a line segment along the path traveled
// the line is positioned by its center, which is placed halfway back along the path
         move(float steps) 
         vector fwd = llRot2Fwd(llGetRot()) * steps;
         llSetPos(llGetPos() + fwd);
         if (penState == TRUE) {
         if (llGetInventoryType("lineSegment") == INVENTORY_NONE) {
         llSay(0, "Oops! To draw a line, my inventory needs a lineSegment. You can get one from the Scratch Inventory Box.");
         } else { 
         integer randomID = llRound(llFrand(99999999));
         llRezObject("lineSegment", llGetPos()-fwd/2, <0,0,0>, llGetRot(), randomID);
         llSay(1, (string)randomID + ":set length:"+ (string)llFabs(steps));
         llSay(1, (string)randomID + ":set color:" + (string)penColor);
// turnRight(float angle)
// turn angle degrees clockwise around the local z axis
         turnRight(float angle)
         angle *= -1;
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,angle> * DEG_TO_RAD);
// turnLeft(float angle)
// turn angle degrees counterclockwise around the local z axis
         turnLeft(float angle)
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,angle> * DEG_TO_RAD);
//up(float steps)
//move up along the global z axis by steps meters
//does not leave a line segment
         up(float steps)
//down(float steps)
//move down along the global z axis by steps meters
//does not leave a line segment
         down(float steps)
// turnPitch(float angle)
// turn angle degrees upward around the local y axis
         turnPitch(float angle)
         angle *= -1;
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(<0,angle,0> * DEG_TO_RAD);
// float getHeading()
// return the current heading in the xy plane in degrees 
         float getHeading() {
         return llRot2Angle(llGetRot())*RAD_TO_DEG;
// setHeading(float angle)
// set the heading in the xy plane in degrees
         setHeading(float angle) {
         vector newVec = <0, 0, angle*DEG_TO_RAD>;
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(newVec);
// turnRoll(float angle)
// turn angle degrees clockwise around the local x axis
         turnRoll(float angle)
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(<angle,0,0> * DEG_TO_RAD);
// changePenColorBy(float num)
// change the pen color by an amount
         changePenColorBy(float num)
         penColor += num;
// setPenColorTo(float num)
// set the pen to a particular color
         setPenColorTo(float num)
         penColor = (integer)num % 100;
// penDown()
// put the pen down, so that when the object moves it will draw
         penDown() {
         penState = TRUE;
// penUp()
// put the pen up, so that the object will not draw when it moves
         penUp() {
         penState = FALSE;
// clear()
// broadcast a message to nearby line segments that will cause them to 
// delete themselves
         clear() {
         llSay(1, "clearLineSegments");
// pointTowardNearestAv()
// turn to point toward the nearest avatar
         vector myPos = llGetPos();
         float xdiff = myPos.x - nearestAvPosition.x;
         float ydiff = myPos.y - nearestAvPosition.y;
         float angle = llAtan2(xdiff, ydiff) * RAD_TO_DEG; 
         setHeading(270 - angle);
// pointTowardOwner()
// turn to point toward the owner
         vector myPos = llGetPos();
         float xdiff = myPos.x - ownerPosition.x;
         float ydiff = myPos.y - ownerPosition.y;
         float angle = llAtan2(xdiff, ydiff) * RAD_TO_DEG; 
         setHeading(270 - angle);
// float distanceToNearestAv()
// returns the distance in meters to the nearest avatar
         float distanceToNearestAv()
         return llVecDist(llGetPos(), nearestAvPosition);
// float distanceToOwner()
// returns the distance in meters to the owner
         float distanceToOwner()
         return llVecDist(llGetPos(), ownerPosition);
// float randomMinToMax(float min, float max)
// returns a random number between min and max
         integer randomMinToMax(float min, float max)
         return llRound(llFrand(max - min) + min);
// say(string text) 
// say the text on the public chat channel 0 so all nearby avatars and objects will hear it
         say(string text) 
         llSay(0, text);
// broadcast(string message)
// say the message on channel 1.  No avatars will hear it.
// all nearby objects will hear it.
         broadcast(string message)
         llSay(1, message);
// setText(string text)
// create opaque white floating text above the object
         setText(string text)
         llSetText(text, <1,1,1>, 1);
// vector hueToRGB(float h)
// take a color represented as a hue value between 1 and 100 and 
// return an RGB vector representing the same color.
         vector hueToRGB(float h)
         integer i;
         float f;
         float p;
         float q;
         float t;
         float r;
         float g;
         float b;
         float s = 1;
         float v = 1;
         h *= 5;   // sector 0 to 5
         i = llFloor(h);
         f = h - i;   // factorial part of h
         p = v * ( 1 - s );
         q = v * ( 1 - s * f );
         t = v * ( 1 - s * ( 1 - f ) );
 if (i == 0) {
         r = v;
         g = t;
         b = p;
         } else if (i == 1) {
         r = q;
         g = v;
         b = p;
         } else if (i == 2) {
         r = p;
         g = v;
         b = t;
         } else if (i == 3) {
         r = p;
         g = q;
         b = v;
         } else if (i == 4) {
         r = t;
         g = p;
         b = v;
         } else {
         r = v;
         g = p;
         b = q;
         return <r,g,b>;
// setColor(float num)
// set the color of the object using a number between 1 and 100 representing a hue
         setColor(float num)
         color = (integer)num % 100; 
         llSetColor(hueToRGB(color / 100), ALL_SIDES);
         if (llGetObjectName() == "Scratch Bug") {
         llSetLinkColor(2, hueToRGB(color / 100), ALL_SIDES);
         } else {
//llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET, hueToRGB(color / 100), ALL_SIDES);
// changeColorBy(float num)
// change the hue of the object by a number
         changeColorBy(float num)
         float newColor = color + num;
         if (newColor < 0) {
         newColor = 0;
         if (newColor > 100) {
         newColor = 100;
// setGhost(float num)
// set the ghost effect of the object to a value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (transparent)
         setGhost(float num)
         ghost = (integer)num % 101;
         llSetAlpha(((100 - ghost) / 100), ALL_SIDES);
         llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, ((100 - ghost) / 100), ALL_SIDES);
// changeGhostBy(float num) 
// change the ghost effect on an object by a number
         changeGhostBy(float num) 
         setGhost(ghost + num);
// setSize(float newSize)
// set the size of the object to a percentage of its original size
         setSize(float newSize)
         sizePercent = newSize;
         vector newScale = originalScale*(sizePercent/100); 
// changeSizeBy(float change)
// change the size of an object by a percentage of its original size
         changeSizeBy(float change)
         sizePercent += change;
         vector newScale = originalScale*(sizePercent/100); 
// playSound(string snd)
// play a sound at full volume
// snd can be the name of a sound in the inventory of the object, or the
// UUID of a sound which exists somewhere else
         playSound(string snd) 
         llPlaySound(snd, 1);
// playSoundNamed(string snd)
// play a sound at full volume
// snd can be the name of a sound in the inventory of the object, or the
// UUID of a sound which exists somewhere else
// this is the version for text input of the name of a sound in a scratch block
// so it checks the inventory and gives an error if the sound is missing
         playSoundNamed(string snd) 
         if (llGetInventoryType(snd) == INVENTORY_NONE) {
         llSay(0, "Oops! My inventory does not contain the sound " + snd);
         } else { 
         llPlaySound(snd, 1);
// wait(float secs)
// pause all execution of this script for some number of seconds
         wait(float secs)
// levelOut()
// remove the x and y rotation components, so that the object is
// level with respect to the ground
         vector myVec = llRot2Euler(llGetRot());
         vector newVec = <0, 0, myVec.z>;
         rotation newRot = llEuler2Rot(newVec);
// goHome() 
// move the object back to its home position
// home is set the the position of the object when it is created,
// and can be set to a new position using setHomeHere()
// setHomeHere()
// set the home position to the current position
         home = llGetPos();
// startListening() 
// listen for messages on both channel 0, the public channel,
// and channel 1, where broadcasts are sent 
         llListen(0, "", "", "");
         llListen(1, "", "", "");
// initInternal()
// do some setup for internal functions
// this includes setting various variables to their defaults
// clearing text on the object, and turning on
// the repeating sensor and timer events
         penState = FALSE;
         penColor = 0;
         color = 0;
         ghost = 0;
         sizePercent = 100;
         originalScale = llGetScale();
         ownerKey = llGetOwner();
         llSetText("", <1,1,1>, 0);
         llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, 96, PI, .1);
         initAll() {
         listen1(string msg){
         if (msg == "salta") {
         max_uservar = 10;
         i_uservar = 0;
         j_uservar = max_uservar;
         integer i1;
         for (i1=0; i1<max_uservar;i1++) {
         i_uservar += 1;
         j_uservar = (max_uservar - i_uservar);
         wait((i_uservar / max_uservar));
         on_rez(integer start_param)
         sensor(integer n)
         numAvatarsNearby = n;
         nearestAvPosition = llDetectedPos(0);
         integer i;
         for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
         if (llDetectedKey(i) == ownerKey) {
         ownerPosition = llDetectedPos(i);
         touch_start(integer n) {
         collision_start(integer n) {
         listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) {
         timer() {
Private Youtube Video Player v6.0
key theVideoTexture = "42073da2-45da-4ecd-982e-08062c3c5cc7";
string VideoBaseUrl = ";autoplay=1;fs=0;autohide=0;hd=0;";
string type = "text/html";
       PlayVideo( key theAvatar ) {
              PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT, theAvatar,
              PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE, theVideoTexture,
              PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL, VideoBaseUrl,
              PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TYPE, type,
       default {
          touch_start( integer numTouchers ) {
              integer i;
              for (i = 0; i < numTouchers; ++i) {
                  PlayVideo( llDetectedKey( i ));
Timed Presentation Display v1.1
float gap = 15.0;
       float counter = 0.0;
       integer numberPicture = 0;
       integer totalPictures = 0;
       string nameObject = "blank";
//integer scan = 0;
       string message = "";
// Scan to be counter number of displays
               if (numberPicture >= totalPictures) numberPicture = 0;
               nameObject = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, numberPicture);
               llSetTexture(nameObject, 2);
               llSetText("Page " + (string)(numberPicture + 1) + " of " + totalPictures, < 1, 1, 1 >, 1.0 );
               totalPictures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
               //llListen(0, "", "", "" );
               llListen(14142, "", "", "" );
               numberPicture = 0;
               //llSay(0, (string)numberPicture);
               nameObject = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, numberPicture);
               llSetTexture(nameObject, 2);
               llSetText("Page " + (string)(numberPicture + 1) + " of " + totalPictures, < 1, 1, 1 >, 1.0 );
           on_rez(integer startParam)
               //numberPicture = 0;
               counter = counter + gap; 
           changed(integer change)
               if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
                   totalPictures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
     }// END //
Prim Face Identifier
// This is an extremely simple script to identify the number of the face clicked.
// Useful primarily for taking the numbers and using them with scripts that
// affect faces on a prim (for example texture modifiers).
// - Xugu Madison
           on_rez(integer param)
               llOwnerSay("Touch me to identify the number of each face on this prim.");
           touch_start(integer touchCount)
               integer touchIdx;
               for (touchIdx = 0; touchIdx < touchCount; touchIdx++)
                   if (llDetectedKey(touchIdx) != llGetOwner())
                   llOwnerSay("You touched face #"
                       + (string)llDetectedTouchFace(touchIdx) + ".");
random color
 //    OK, so randBetween is from the llFrand page
 //    we can use it to generate a random number from  minimum to maximum.
 //    You will see how it works in the example below
 ////    and yes, I flip around with color and colour - in my comments its colour, in code, I concede to LL
float randBetween(float min, float max)
                  return llFrand(max - min) + min;
     //  Colours are expressed in vectors. 
   //   So, below gives us a basic random colour generator
vector randColor()
                  return <llFrand(1.0), llFrand(1.0), llFrand(1.0)>;    //sends back a message to whoever asks the random colour
     //  Taking it one step further
   //   So, below gives us a basic random colour generator
vector randVector()
     //HERE we use the randBetween we have up on top to 
     //make a random number from 100 to 500 - on the Z axis. Fun for a trampoline :) 
     return <0,0,randBetween(100, 500)>; 
     touch_start(integer total_number)
        vector tempRandomColor = randColor();  //this loads temp ariable with random colur
        llSay(0, (string)tempRandomColor );    //this says the vector, just to know its working
        llSetColor(tempRandomColor, ALL_SIDES); //set colour
 ///here we push the person who touched cube, 
        llPushObject( llDetectedKey(0), randVector(), ZERO_VECTOR, 0);
create an animate-on-touch attachment with permission system
integer playing;

        playing = FALSE;
    touch_start(integer start_param)
        if(playing == FALSE)
        else if(playing == TRUE)
            playing = FALSE;
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)                                  
            playing = TRUE;